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About The Author
Heidi Heath Tony is a lifelong reader whose previous writing gigs include ghost-writing for Miss America’s blog, fascinating bill inserts for an electric utility, and many, many articles about critical subjects like Delaware’s Punkin Chunkin festival and how to score free drinks in Atlantic City casinos. She and her husband live in the Pittsburgh area with their children and grandchildren nearby, but she will forever be a Jersey girl in her heart.
Queen of the Road is her first novel.
What Readers Are Saying
Here’s what readers are saying about Queen of the Road:
“A witty and heartfelt story of loss, love, and navigating the twists and turns life throws at you.”
“Dee is both totally unique and the every-woman, a character you can see yourself (or someone you love) in. All of her flaws add to her charm, and all of her strengths become ones you want to emulate…”
“This book surprised the hell out of me. It’s skillfully written, with engaging characters, a truly fascinating storyline, a heroine to root for and a villain to boo”
“Five Stars! A very enjoyable book – I didn’t want to put it down..has the highs and lows that happen in life. I so identified with Dee at several turns and found many of the characters endearing. I learned a lot about big rig travel and found that fascinating. Clearly, the author did her homework! Highly recommend.”